Pulmonary Rehabilitation Patient Self Referral

You can now self-refer to pulmonary rehabilitation by visiting www.podiatryselfrefer.co.uk or calling 03330433966.

You can refer to pulmonary rehabilitation when:

- You have a diagnosed respiratory condition
- You experience breathlessness as part of your everyday life
- You are registered with a GP in Suffolk or north east Essex
- You are able to commit to a twice weekly course of education and exercise

We do not offer a service for patients who:

- Do not have a confirmed respiratory condition
- Do not experience breathlessness which impacts on daily activities have contraindications to pulmonary rehabilitation, such as unstable cardiac conditions, unstable blood pressure or other issues which limit the ability to exercise.
- Are under the age of 18

This service is provided in partnership with AHP Suffolk.

Alternatively, contact your GP, practice nurse or respiratory health professional for more advice.

More information can be found on the self-referral portal

Date published: 19th June, 2024
Date last updated: 19th June, 2024